Step 1: Launch Faros CE


Docker Resources

Make sure you have allocated enough resources for Docker. We recommend to allocate at least 4 CPUs, 4GB of RAM and 10GB of disk space.

Depending on your computer and Internet connection speed the process might still take a while at first run.

Install Git and Docker Compose, then open terminal and run:

git clone
cd faros-community-edition

When you see the following banner in your docker-compose logs, Faros CE is ready for use.

The following services will be started and configured:

ServiceDescriptionManagement UI
AirbyteData integration platform for importing data from a variety of sources (even more sources)http://localhost:8000
HasuraGraphQL engine that makes your data accessible over a real-time GraphQL APIhttp://localhost:8080
MetabaseBusiness Intelligence (BI) tool for generating metrics and rendering charts and dashboards from your datahttp://localhost:3000 - default admin credentials are [email protected]/admin, see Setting Admin Credentials for how to set them
n8nExtendable workflow automation engine of top of your datahttp://localhost:5678