Setting Admin Credentials


This documentation page only applies to local deployments with docker-compose.

For ☁️ Cloud Deployment, the Hasura admin secret is generated randomly, and the Metabase credentials set explicitly.

Admin login credentials are located in the environment variables file.


Look for HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET. Modify and restart the hasura container.



How to set Metabase admin credentials varies based on whether or not Faros CE was ever started

At the first Metabase initialization, those credentials are set from environment variables through a use-once Metabase API call.

If you have not started Faros CE yet
Look for METABASE_USER and METABASE_PASSWORD. Modify before starting Faros CE for the first time.

If you have already started Faros CE at least once

  1. On your running instance, change your credentials in the Metabase UI, in the Account Settings menu (Gear Icon). Typically here for the email, and here for the password.
  2. Stop Faros CE (Control-C, or from your Docker Desktop panel). Locate and update METABASE_USER and METABASE_PASSWORD accordingly in the environment variable file. Start Faros CE again. This steps ensure no weird error messages occur on startup.